Thursday, December 6, 2007

Shopping is hard


As much as I like Christmas, there is always the problem of what to get for people. It wouldn't be so bad if people would give you lists, but they don't. And then you just buy crap to be buying it because you're supposed to and it is usually terrible or else they already have it AND THEN CHRISTMAS IS RUINED. Maybe I just do not understand the people closest to me.

I think so far my dad is the only person who has clearly stated what he wanted for Christmas, and I appreciate that gesture. But on the other hand, I don't really know what I want for Christmas either. But just in case anybody wants to buy me some things, here are items I will accept:
Things that I do not want PLEASE DO NOT BUY THEM
  • A sled
  • Anything involving Roy D. Mercer
Okay maybe I will add more later but now it is lunchtime. What do you want for Christmas?

1 comment:

Justin said...

i have some bacon for you. i made it in lab!