Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I remembered!

Alright so check it out. Me and my boy Davis B, you know how we do, we were schemin' bout what would make a good show to slap up on a TV screen what with this writer's strike and I think we struck black gold. Texas tea. A good idea. And you know when Davis and me get schemin' then that's when the real good ideas happen.

Let me set the stage here. There are a cool million Lifetime dramas about All-American girls goin' off to college and turnin' some mad tricks to pay for the tuition and the rent and the ramen noodles. And we think that's tragic. Straight tragic.

But there is a side of this dark situation not being discussed by the liberal media, and that is the plight of all the young men that go off to college have to become pimps to keep the bills paid. And this is basically the crux of the show. A pretty average young dude heads off to college and whoa next thing you know, he's DA COLLEGE PIMP. Now you're probably saying to yourself, "Man you crazy, that's a straight foolish idea, life is easy for a pimp in college." Well listen here, Three 6 Mafia has something to say about that and I think they would know better than you (no offense)! I mean just imagine the following scenarios:
  • Professor Peeves won't pay one of College Pimp's best hos, but College Pimp can't go smack the money out of him because he really needs an A in Peeves's class! What is a dogg to do???
  • Business is gettin' kinda slow and College Pimp is startin' to get pimp skitters from all that greasy street food. Gotta drum up some business... but how? DA CHEERLEADIN' SQUAD. Hope you got some game on the football field, College Pimp!
  • Ahh just back home from a long day pimpin'... What's this? College Pimp's favorite pimp chalice and poster of John Belushi are missing! A rival pimp from a rival school perhaps............?
Please get your hands off this poster, Rival Pimp! Your pimp chalice look like a Big Gulp cup!

This can go in a bevy of directions. It will be an enormous show. A professional critic might even say of this show that it had "the most emotional debut for a show since Arli$$" and that is a direct quote from the future. Please let me know if you would like to audition.


1 comment:

Justin said...

i want to audition please