Friday, March 21, 2008


So I've been pretty busy lately and I admit that I have not tended to the ol' blog as I really intended to when I started doing this again. But I will try to rectify the situation!


IN POLITICS and tangentially in religion, I don't know if people still care about this issue anymore or not with the whole passport issue apparently taking root in the media now, but the full videos of the Jeremiah Wright sermons with the controversial soundbytes have been released and it's amazing how anti-American and racist they really aren't. I don't claim to know all that much about religion and what typically goes on in most churches, but I didn't find a lot to be outraged about here. If you still have concerns about this, please watch the following:

I'll grant you that the bit about injecting black people with HIV is factually incorrect, but technically I guess that did happen with syphilis...

By the way, I really like Rachel Maddow these days. Very sharp political commentary and the patience to deal with Pat Buchanan on MSNBC on a regular basis. Rachel, if you ever decide you like guys, let's get hitched, okay?


IN SPORTS I really haven't been following the NCAA tournament at all since this year's abysmal, no-heart-havin' NC State Turdpack pretty much made it impossible to enjoy basketball. JJ Hickson is gone, Gavin Grant is gone, and Sidney Lowe has just now gotten around to saying that maybe Brandon Costner should lose some weight. Add that to the fact that we still won't have a high-level ACC point guard or shooting guard next year and it's enough to make you sick. However, I understand that today Duke just barely squeaked by against a college for country music singers and the only upset of the day came with Kansas State beating USC (aka Michael Beasley beating OJ Mayo) which really isn't all that surprising. I guess I was kinda rooting for Baylor though.

As for tomorrow's games I'll take...

Tennessee over American
Davidson over Gonzaga (Upset special!!!)
Miami over Saint Mary's
Drake over Western Kentucky
Butler over South Alabama
Georgetown over UMBC
Texas over Austin Peay
UCONN over San Diego
UNC over Mount St. Mary's
St. Joseph's over Oklahoma (Upset special!!!)
Vanderbilt over Siena
Oregon over Mississippi State
Indiana over Arkansas
Louisville over Boise State
Villanova over Clemson (Upset special!!!)
Memphis over Texas-Arlington

Not too many bold picks in there, but then again, it's the first round.


MUSIC NEWS: Well I guess I don't really have that much actual news but the new Man Man CD that comes out on April 8 is awesome. Also, there is some band called Does It Offend You, Yeah? that obviously has a terrible name but some cool songs. Also worth listening to! Finally, Hercules and Love Affair have released a debut album that sounds like some straight up 70s disco and quite frankly I think we need much more of that. And you can listen to songs from all three of these bands' albums IN THIS VERY BLOG so do it okay:



I've been reading some really good food blogs lately and thought I would share with all 2 of you who actually read this thing in case you want to try making delicious foodstuffs or just learn more about food or look at pretty pictures like these:

  • The Kitchn: This site has recipes, food news, sporadic book recommendations, cookware news and more. Very interesting to look at even if you don't plan to cook anything. Updated daily.
  • Smitten Kitchen: Mostly recipes and general cooking advice, but they have some pretty cool links and whatnot, like this one, which allows you to search over 2000 food blogs for recipes: Updated every few days.
  • Simply Recipes: Pretty much what it sounds like. A little fancier than the other stuff here, I guess. Probably for true foodies only, but worth a look. Updated every few days.
  • The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from a middle-aged housewife who seems like she went out of her way to be an awesome chef in her 20s and has gotten to the point where she knows all the shortcuts and has made it much easier. Some of this stuff looks awesome. Highly recommended! Updated every week or two.
  • Use Real Butter: This one is more like a personal blog than one specifically about food, but they do have some recipes and awesome food photography. This lady's camera is extremely balleriffic.

And now it is bedtime.


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